Remote SSH console

Vanilla Nox supported a telnet-based remote console (RCON) which allowed controlling Nox server remotely.

OpenNox has dropped telnet support in favor of SSH-based remote console.


OpenNox only emulates SSH protocol. It does not allow accessing the host machine via SSH.

To enable RCON, OpenNox must be started with an additional argument:

opennox --rcon=:18522 --rcon-pass=my-secret-password

This will allow SSH connections on port 18522 with a password my-secret-password:

ssh -p 18522

See this tutorial

ssh -p 18522

Or install PuTTY and connect to with any username and password my-secret-password.

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From here, all console commands will work the same way as via in-game console. A good starting point is a help command.