Server info

GET /api/v0/game/info

Or in terms of curl:

curl ''

Example response:


Setting the token

You need to run the server with NOX_API_TOKEN=<some-random-string> to allow using control APIs.


You must set token to something complex. Otherwise, someone can get full control of your server!

All examples below assume NOX_API_TOKEN=xyz.

Change map

POST /api/v0/game/map
X-Token: xyz


Or in terms of curl:

curl -X POST -H 'X-Token: xyz' -d 'estate' ''

Run console command

POST /api/v0/game/cmd
X-Token: xyz

load estate

Or in terms of curl:

curl -X POST -H 'X-Token: xyz' -d 'load estate' ''

Run NS script

POST /api/v0/game/eval
X-Token: xyz

ns4.CreateObject("RedApple", ns4.GetHost().Unit().Pos())

Or in terms of curl:

curl -X POST -H 'X-Token: xyz' -d 'ns4.CreateObject("RedApple", ns4.GetHost().Unit().Pos())' ''

Run LUA script

POST /api/v0/game/lua
X-Token: xyz

p = Nox.Players[1];
apple = Nox.ObjectType("RedApple");

Or in terms of curl:

curl -X POST -H 'X-Token: xyz' -d 'p = Nox.Players[1]; apple = Nox.ObjectType("RedApple"); apple:Create(p)' ''